`Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow` Anthony J. D`Angelo
We offer outsourced training consultancy services. So, whether you do not have an in-house Training Department or you just don’t want to burden your internal resources on some training functions, we`ve got your back. You can fully or partially outsource your training needs to us. Whilst we offer certain specific trainings, we also have capacity to conduct trainings in any areas on interest with the help of our Associates.
Whilst most of our trainings are customised to the audience, we have managed to packaged a few training Programs of interest for the benefit of our Clients. Some of them are, in no particular order, as follows:
Financial Wellness in the Workplace
No brainer, an employee who is not financially well will soon become less productive and ultimately this will affect your bottom line. This programs aims to empower employees to start pursuing financial freedom and wellness no matter how much they earn.
Finance for Non-Finance Managers
It is imperative for all Managers to have an appreciation of the basics of finance and financial management. We offer this training product to in house staff or as an open program.
The Role of the Company Secretary
This training will ensure that personnel new to the fundamentals of the company secretarial role do get an practical appreciation of what they are expected to do. The program will give you a good heads start to your new function.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship/Business Start-up
This program aims to empower those who intend to get into entrepreneurship either as business or social entrepreneurs. It also supports those that have just started those small businesses either full time or as a passive initiative.
Appreciating Micro-Enterprise Financing
In a nutshell, the aim of this training is to enlighten non-finance entrepreneurs on the various financing options available to them.
Financial Literacy for Legal Practitioners
This is a personal financial literacy training for legal practitioners aimed at empowering them to become financially well. That way they will not have any ethical challenges in managing other peoples` finances through Trust funds.
Becoming an Effective Facilitator
Whether you want to venture into Training Consultancy or you just want to enhance your facilitation skills, this training is for you. You will also learn the difference between Facilitating, Presenting and Training.
Risk & Insurance for Non-Insurance Managers
Appreciation of Risk is important for every manager, more so in a VUCA environment that we find ourselves in. This training will empower participants to be able to analyse and take action on the various risks that their organisations face.
Understanding Corporate Social Investment Opportunities
What is the importance of corporate social investment? How do we identify relevant opportunities for this in our environment? We provide facilitation service for this program.
Taxation Compliance for Start-ups and SMEs
This is a DIY (Do It Yourself) Program for small entities that do not have complex tax matters. It will empower participants to understand and practice tax compliance.
Practical Company Registration & Maintenance
This program targets mainly those that would like to learn more practical details of the processes and procedures involved when transacting with the office of the Registrar of Companies in Zimbabwe. It is also good for business consultants who want to venture into company secretarial services. This program is also open to individuals.
Financial Literacy for Champions
Do you have a passion to empower others to reach their financial goals? Do you want them to become financially well? Are you a financial literacy advocate? Then this training which is open to small groups and individuals is for you. Learn how you too can empower your friends, workmates, family or community to reach financial freedom. This program is usually open to small groups but it can also be arranged for individuals. We are also able to customise the program to your specific needs and target beneficiaries.
Get in touch; let’s discuss your training needs today, email us on: [email protected]